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- 10 poke51,0:poke52,88:poke55,0:poke56,88
- 15 print"[147][154]":poke53280,14:poke53281,6
- 20 ifa=0thena=1:load"bfx.ml",8,1
- 30 poke784,76:poke785,54:poke786,198:rem usr to point to joymov
- 40 sys50561:rem reset
- 50 sys50715:rem gotext
- 60 poke53280,peek(646)
- 70 print"[147]bitmap effects - (c)1990 compute! pub. [146]";
- 80 print" [return]=help toggle x = exit":print
- 90 print"screen commands; use commodore key with [146]";
- 100 print" [l]=load into 1 [s]=save from 1"
- 110 print" [x]=exchange 1 and 2 [b]=blank 1"
- 120 print" [r]=reproduce 1 on 2 [i]=invert 1":print
- 130 print"edit; joystick=move button=slow [146]";
- 140 print" [clr]=reset [p]=paste at dots"
- 150 print" [c]=cut-copy [e]=erase at dots"
- 160 print" [o]=outline edges [t]=toggle at dots"
- 170 print" [\]=flip 90 degrees"
- 180 print" [+]=flip around vertical centerline"
- 190 print" [-]=flip around horizontal centerline"
- 200 print" [f1/f3]=twist vertically"
- 210 print" [f5/f7]=twist horizontally"
- 220 print" [f2/f4]=rotate"
- 230 print" [home]=untwist/unrotate":print
- 250 print"draw/erase; joystick=move [146]";
- 260 print" [f6]=draw mode, firebutton=draw"
- 270 print" [f8]=erase mode, firebutton=erase"
- 280 print" any key to return to edit mode"
- 290 rem
- 300 rem
- 310 a=usr(0)
- 320 ifa=182thenprint"[147] load screen:":goto360
- 330 ifa=174thenprint"[147] save screen:":goto360
- 340 ifa=13then430
- 345 ifa=88thensys50715:end
- 350 goto310
- 360 print" (use 'dd' prefix for doodle format)"
- 370 input" filename";f$
- 380 s=96+4*(left$(f$,2)="dd")
- 390 poke50612,s:poke50631,s
- 400 ifa=182thensys50604f$,8,0
- 410 ifa=174thensys50623f$,8,0
- 420 goto60
- 430 sys50684:rem gohirz
- 440 a=usr(0)
- 450 ifa=13then50
- 460 ifa=182ora=174thensys50715:goto320
- 470 ifa=67thensys50315:rem cut
- 480 ifa=80thensys50397:rem paste dots
- 490 ifa=69thensys50394:rem paste holes
- 500 ifa=84thensys50400:rem paste toggle
- 510 ifa=43thensys50032:rem vert
- 520 ifa=45thensys49987:rem horiz
- 530 ifa=92thensys50080:rem rotate
- 540 ifa=133thensys49318:rem goup
- 550 ifa=134thensys49325:rem godown
- 560 ifa=135thensys49332:rem gorite
- 570 ifa=136thensys49339:rem goleft
- 580 ifa=147thensys50561:rem reset
- 590 ifa=137thensys49346:rem rt3up2
- 600 ifa=138thensys49353:rem lt3dn2
- 610 ifa=19thensys50587:rem home
- 620 ifa=162thensys51152:rem invert
- 630 ifa=178thensys51193:rem scopy
- 640 ifa=189thensys51215:rem sswap
- 650 ifa=191thensys51174:rem sblank
- 660 ifa=79thensys51006:rem trace
- 670 ifa=139thensys50908:rem draw
- 680 ifa=140thensys50905:rem erase
- 685 printa
- 690 ifa=88thensys50715:end
- 700 goto440